Archive for April, 2009

Why Corporate Wellness?

April 30, 2009

Some companies are finding that a corporate wellness program is the key to connecting directly with their employees.

Most employers have tried to be innovative with their in-house sponsored wellness programs through funding a gym membership or establishing a committee to create wellness days and activities.  It is difficult however to be innovative in an area where you lack formal experience and the know-how to see it through.  Furthermore, most employees prefer not to recieve fitness and wellness advice from their workforce colleagues.  Therefore, it may be time to outsource your corporate wellness program.


The cost of providing health care benefits has become staggering for employers – over $9,600 annually per employee.  Yet even more staggering is the fact that as much as 70% of those costs are attributed to preventable disease based upon the behavioral choices that we make everyday.

The basic idea and goal of health care financing is to enable individuals to live healthier lives.  However, in the present US health care system, health care financing is completely disconnected from its basic idea and goal.  Those individuals who choose to take care of themselves inherently subsidize those who do not. The result is clear; an unbalanced system that fails to decrease costs or provide positive reinforcement and motivation for healthy behavior.


It is imperitive during these tough economic times for companies to discover what their employees percieve to be the fundamental values of the organization.  Therefore, we need to ensure that our employees recognize that during hard times they are inherently the companies greatest asset and that the company is going to take care of them.  Not to recommend that your product or service should be neglected or that any value should be taken from it – moreover, that employees understand that they are an integral part in the success of the company.


Though we cannot balance the system and make it so that each individual pays what would be considered their fair share – we do enable employers and individuals with the tools and know-how to reduce their risks and reverse the continual spiral of declining health and escalating costs.

The Swoop Team has opted to sway from the traditional path because although worn – it is notably ineffective.  Swoop utilizes platforms and practices that enable each individual with a positive user experience. Swoop is a thought platform and a active practice that develops a behavior that is both mental and physical toward the creation of a balanced lifestyle to promote wellness and well-being.  The Swoop 360 Experience consists of a primary offering of The Wayfinding Solution – which is a 24 week personal development program that creates harmony and balance, the Swoop Digital Trainers which are at the forefront of mobile fitness technology and allow the user to have their own personal trainer and to take them wherever they go & The Swoop Forum, the primary communication venue of the Swoop 360 Experience; it gives users a place to ask questions of the Swoop Team and to learn from the comments and questions of their colleagues – every user has a personal coach and direct access.


The key during these tough economic times is to be smart with your investments and apply practices that will continue to deliver.  Corporate fitness and wellness programs must be thought of as a long term investment.  Furthermore, it is the most successful form of in-house advertising to create sustanied value and loyalty.

Learn more about the Swoop 360 Experience online at

Words of Oogway

April 22, 2009


As a corporate wellness and personal development consultant I have found that the most profound truths are those that seem to come from the simplest places.

I was recently watching the movie Kung Fu Panda with my son when Master Oogway had a thought provoking comment that I would like to share because it relates so well to human nature and our personal development.  Master Oogway stated, “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.”

Take a minute an comment on this simple but profound truth.

Swoop 360 v3

April 18, 2009


Kit Zeigle is the Official Fitness Model of Swoop

Kit Zeigle is the Official Fitness Model of Swoop

The Swoop Team has just published v3 of the Swoop360 website.  Check it out at The Swoop 360 Team is a unique group of fitness professionals that tend to dabble in the creative arts.  Therefore, we are constantly exploring new trends in fitness, personal development and creative art.  This is the reason we are on version 3 of our website even though we have only been together full time for one year.  We hope you like the new site and please leave a comment and let us know what you think.


Swoop Team